Lyfta Live Lessons


A world of human stories delivered straight to your classroom

Live lesson Oct 23 image 3


What are Lyfta live lessons?

Our free sessions run for 45 minutes and are delivered by our in-house teacher live, via Zoom.

The sessions bring together many different schools from around the world for an exciting shared experience.

Students have the chance to immerse themselves  and connect with a human story, along with other learners from across the country and beyond

Throughout the lesson, there will be lots of opportunities for students to share their thoughts and reflections.

If you do not yet have a subscription, please make sure you, set up a free Lyfta starter account. before the live lesson so you can access supporting resources.


View available sessions and book now:

Since we started our live lessons, we have delivered sessions to over 2,900 classes in total

(over 87,000 student sessions)!

Read about a past #LyftaLive lesson here.


"Lyfta is an organisation that epitomises this notion of education as the building of who we can be. An education that nurtures empathy, that builds character and that broadens our horizons."

“A truly brilliant resource to open minds and hearts to the world we live in... not a bolt-on but a resource to enrich and enliven curriculum. Cannot recommend highly enough"

"Lyfta has inspired and engaged our children more than I thought possible from a single platform. Using beautifully made stories to inspire and educate has been a game changer"